In ministry, it is a common practice for pastors to set aside days, weeks, or even months for the sole purpose of resting and rejuvenating their vision. It’s a very meaningful and valuable practice that can revitalize and bring fresh fire where spirits had once become dry or perhaps even hardened.
After traveling to the Rocky Mountains with my dad this past weekend, this is the type of experience I feel I’ve had. I think sometimes you need to get on a plane and go somewhere vast and beautiful, and take a step away from the rote long enough to remind yourself why you do it.
In this business (as well as many others), it’s easy to grow complacent and become fettered, simply because everything is going fine and you stop working toward your greatest potential, but there’s nothing like stepping foot in the number one venue on your bucket list of places to perform when you’ve “made it” to bring those dreams back into focus.
I thoroughly enjoy and appreciate the cover gigs that put bread on my table, but I hope to expand the number of “original” gigs on my calendar and put more finished recorded work in the hands of my friends.
Like the city I visited with dad, my dreams are a mile high, but I believe they are achievable with the continued help and tremendous support of people who care. I probably don’t express my gratitude enough, but I truly feel blessed to do what I do everyday, while making so many friends along the way!